We are always excited to meet new patients. Our goal is to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
Please arrive a few minutes early to allow time to complete your patient registration, if you have not previously done so, and bring your dental insurance card for us to copy.
Our office participates with Delta Dental and Blue Cross dental plans, and accepts insurance payment and patient co-payment at the time of service as indicated by the insurance company. As a courtesy to our patients with other dental insurances, we will contact your insurance company to verify coverage.
Please feel free to call or email our office with any questions or concerns.
What to Expect at Your Appointment
Your appointment begins with a comprehensive examination where your doctor will discuss your diagnosis and treatment options. Any questions you may have will be addressed at this time. The doctor will outline a solution that best fits your individual needs. Treatment is performed using local anesthesia and other options may be available, please speak with the doctor about any concerns you have regarding your care.
Please bring a list of your current medications and take all routine medications prior to your visit if applicable. Please do not take any over-the counter or prescription pain medication for at least 4 to 6 hours prior to your appointment to insure the most accurate diagnosis possible. If you have a medical condition that may be a concern prior to your visit such as diabetes, high blood pressure, rheumatic fever, artificial joints or heart valves, etc., please let us know before your appointment. If you require antibiotics for any existing conditions please contact our office prior to your visit. All patients under the age of 18 need to be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.
Every patient is unique, and we are committed to providing you with high quality endodontic care based on your individual needs. Above all else, we want to make your visit to our office a pleasant experience.
Patient Instructions

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